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El cine temprano como cine global: La ambición enciclopédica

Tom Gunning, Trad. Riccardo Boglione, Georgina Torello


Traducción del artículo de Tom Gunning “Early cinema as global cinema: The encyclopedic ambition” originalmente publicado en el volumen Early Cinema and the “National”, Richard Abel, Giorgio Bertellini y Rob King (eds.). New Barnet: John Libbey Publishing Ltd., 2008

Palabras clave: traducción, Tom Gunning, El cine temprano como cine global.



Abstract: translation of the article “Early cinema as global cinema: The encyclopedic ambition” originally published in the volume Early Cinema and the “National”, Richard Abel, Giorgio Bertellini y Rob King (eds.). New Barnet: John Libbey Publishing Ltd., 2008

Keywords: translation, Tom Gunning, Early cinema as global cinema.



Resumo: tradução do artigo "Early cinema as global cinema: The encyclopedic ambition” originalmente publicado em Early Cinema and the “National”, Richard Abel, Giorgio Bertellini y Rob King (eds.). New Barnet: John Libbey Publishing Ltd., 2008

Palavras-chave: tradução, Tom Gunning, Early cinema as global cinema.



Fecha de recepción: 10 de noviembre de 2015  

Fecha de aceptación: 5 de diciembre de 2015

Texto completo:



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MCNAMARA, Brooks. “Popular Scenography”, The Drama Review 61, marzo 1974, pp. 16-24.

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______. A Guide to motion picture catalogs by American producers and distributors, 1894-1908: a microfilm edition, Frederick, Maryland: University Publications of America, 1985.

O’MALLEY, Michael. Keeping Watch: A History of American Time. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990, pp. 99-143.

RITTAUD-HUTINET, Jacques (ed.). Auguste y Louis Lumière, Correspondances 1890–1953. Paris: Cahiers du Cinéma, 1994.

TATLA AMAD, Paula. “Archiving the everyday: a topos in French film history, 1895-1931”. Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Chicago, 2002.

WHISSEL, Kristin. “Placing the Spectator on the Scene of History: the battle re-enactment at the turn of the century, from Buffalo Bill’s Wild West to the Early Cinema”, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Televisión, 22/23, 2002, pp. 225-243.

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